Getting you found, locally
Potential customers are looking for your business right now

Its either you or your competitor
Most people use Google to find your services or products. If you're not on page 1, they're finding your competitors

Increase trustability
Everyone trusts Google. If they show your website on page 1 of Google it translates into them trusting your business too.

Higher profitability
Once you're on page 1 of Google, it's going to drive people to your business, month after month, for very little cost.
Local SEO with P1 of Staffordshire
To be able to deliver local SEO services, you really have to understand the local community, you can't fake it. That's where we hold the advantage, we are local so we are able to show Google that in our SEO services.

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When your potential customers want to find your service or product, normally the first place they look is Google.
These are the best type of customer you can attract because they are looking for your service right now, it's almost as though they have cash in the hand, ready to buy. It's just a matter of whether they find your website or your competitors.
What you have to remember about Google, is they are trusted by everyone. People get their search results and just trust Google that they are best options they have. If you're not on that coveted list of trusted websites found on the first page of Google's search results you're missing out on 95% of the traffic.
That means only 1 person in 20 bothers to look past the first page of Google to find your business. It's a big deal, a huge deal in fact.
To get your business website, the online storefront for your business, on the first page of Google you have to understand what Google wants.
They want to provide people will local search results, and they want to provide people with results that include the most trusted websites. So if you want to get on the good side of Google you need to show them both.
They have to understand EXACTLY where your business is, and they need this confirmed to them by having your business registered in as many relevant directories as possible.
But here's the real kicker. Google is a computer. Imagine a little robot if you will. It doesn't 'understand' your content, it has a group of set formulas, expectations, that it uses to understand a website.
A good example is how you present your company's location online. It has to be created in the same way every single time, or Google gets confused.
Using the following business as an example, let me show you exactly how accurate you need to be.
Stoke City FC
Stanley Mathews Way
(01782) 367598
Stoke City Football Club
Stanley Mathews Way
01782 367598
The name of the business is a little different and the phone number format is different. This is enough for Google to get confused and not show your local business in its search results.
It requires a lot of understanding on what Google likes and attention to detail, but once you get it right, you'll see a significant difference.
The next thing Google wants to see is how trusted the website is. How many people visit it, how long they stay, how many pages they click and most importantly, which other websites link to them.
Linking to a local business is actually more difficult than any other type of SEO because location really really matters.The more local and relevant the link the more Google trusts your website and puts it higher in the search engines.
The way the website is linked to your site has become extremely important, something you need to be weary of if you plan on doing your own SEO. It's a little complex to explain right now, and if you have seen a negative change in your position in Google's searches, it's probably thanks to Google algorithm change that means they are now really picky in how another site links to your website.
Tax Accountants, Stoke is how 1 link might be created, and Click here is another example. Finally, there's The actual URL presented.
In the past, the first option would have been considered the most powerful, but Google likes you to have a combination of these different types so if you have too many of type over another, you might get punished.
So that's all you need to know about local SEO in a nutshell. Show Google what your address is, in a way that it understands. If you do, you have a chance of showing up on local searches. Next, get links from other websites that are super local and super relevant. Make sure the type of link is varied. Make sure the people who visit your site stick around, the longer they stay the better you'll do.
My advice is not to try it yourself. Google is always changing and you really need to keep on top of the changes. As SEO's we have a good idea what types of changes are going to happen and we are able to create our strategies with 1 eye on the future. I would hate for you to do all that work, get some pretty great results, and then wake up the next day and find your website is
I would hate for you to do all that work, get some pretty great results, and then wake up the next day and find your website is nowhere to be found, punished by Google thanks to some change in their ranking algorithm.
If you'd like to know about how Local SEO works specifically for you, get in touch, we'd love to walk you through it.

Why bother with local SEO?
The benefits of being ranked in Google as a local business
It used to be the Yellow pages. Put a sign outside the shop or office, get an ad in the local paper and your ad in the Yellow pages and you're all set.
Not anymore. Now you need to maximize your online presence because as much as Yellow pages still exists, particularly in its online format of "Yell" the place to be is Google and having your website found on the first page is what it's about.
Having Local SEO gets you in the pack. This is the map right at the top of the search results. If you have a store it's great because Google will determine which store is closer to a potential client searching on their phone. If that happens to be yours, you are most likely to convert that searcher as a client.
All local businesses should do local SEO. If they don't it's as though they are not bothering to put a sign outside their store, and no business would do that.
Like what you hear? Get in touch
Local Seo is our speciality because we are one of the only SEO companies that is actually local. Let's arrange a face - face meeting today.
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